Supply Chain Benchmarking

At Fulcrium, we have been at the forefront of supply chain benchmarking for over 24 years.

It is no longer sufficient for the supply chain function to be satisfied with simple cost savings.

Now, its practitioners must leverage the entire supply chain to reduce risk and deliver bottom line profits. They need to think long-term and strategically while identifying and implementing quick wins, and have real influence and power with all the stakeholders in the business.

In the Oil & Gas sector, in particular, our clients have recognised that to contend in a fast-changing and unprecedentedly competitive world they need extraordinary supply chain specialists.

Specialists that are knowledgeable about the technological and logistical challenges posed by managing both conventional and unconventional resource portfolios, and that understand how to optimise operator-supplier partnerships for competitive advantage.

Dr Dominic Emery, Chief of Staff, BP

BP Vice President – Group Strategy,  Dr Dominic Emery talks to Fulcrium about benchmarking-driven performance improvements in:

  1. Mega-Projects
  2. “Through the Cycle” Investment
  3. Supply Chain

Ann-Christin Andersen - Director, TechnipFMC

Ann-Christin Andersen – Director, TechnipFMC talks to Fulcrium about how collaboration between operators and service companies can achieve 30% supply chain savings.


Covers Pricing, Standardisation, Technology Innovation and Operating Model adjustments in response to an ultra-low oil price environment.

At Fulcrium, we have extensive global experience of supporting the supply chain function. Whether in fully mature geographies or in those still reaching maturity, we ensure that cultural, legislative, contractual and financial matters align to guarantee reliable sources of supply.

Our benchmarking services ensure that value excellence is obtained from every partner appointment – from single time-limited engagements to preferred partnerships.

Our involvement and actionable insights have helped numerous companies to restructure and up skill their supply chain functions to:

One thing is certain: the world will only become more complex, and more risky. Managing that volatility will ask even more from the supply chain function.

If you want to ensure that your supply chain function is managing risk and delivering maximum bottom line benefit then contact us today.

Supermajor transforms service company relationships

This global supermajor used Fulcrium’s benchmarking services to provide unprecedented insights into service companies.

Contact us for a copy of the full case study.

Fulcrium gives an independent view of each service firm, using a very wide range of sources, making them from our point of view a highly valuable secret intelligence resource.

They also understand - from having worked in them, how best-in-class service companies and technology firms operate in terms of structuring engagements, setting fee levels and building high performing mutually-beneficial relationships.

That is, they now help us to get the very best out of our service company partnerships.

I believe that, as a result of Fulcrium’s involvement, we are five or six years ahead of the other supermajors in terms of our supply chain strategy and I am very proud that we are in that position.

Our Methodology.

Backed with over 24 years’ experience, we know how to provide accurate data.

Outstanding techniques that drive best performance. Outputs from this stage are parameters for a granular benchmarking framework.


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Utilising our unique, proprietary and global benchmarking database, we ensure the critical mass of accurate data for comparison.


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Accurate value identification, quantification and prioritisation of improvement options that would not otherwise have been considered.

Value Analytics

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Value excellence to define scope, goals and the top-quartile initiatives needed to close performance gaps to drive exceptional value realisation.

Terms of Reference

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Verification of benchmark methodology, data, analytics, accuracy of value-identification, and business case before initiatives are sanctioned.

Validation & Assurance

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Customised execution to take action on the values, practices and procedures that will drive exceptional value realisation.

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